
SUMMARY: The question is posed: does email marketing still work? The answer is a resounding yes – but times have changed, and so email marketing has to change as well. The key to successful email marketing in the current climate is to understand the needs and wants of your audience, and to craft emails that speak to those needs. This can be done by segmenting your audience and tailoring your message to each segment, or by using personalization to make each email feel like it was written just for the recipient. By staying up-to-date with the latest email marketing trends and techniques, you can ensure that your messages are always relevant and engaging, and that your business continues to thrive.

Email Marketing Is Still Effective

Email marketing is still an effective way to reach and sell to customers, but the landscape has changed. Marketers need to be aware of how email promotion has changed in order to be successful.

Tracy Brinkmann discusses how, in the past, people would write long emails that would often get lost in the shuffle and be forgotten about. However, they suggest that people update their workflow to send shorter emails instead. This way, people are more likely to read them and they can be easily incorporated into other pieces of content, such as articles.

Increase Your Email Open Rates

Tracy is talking about how to increase the open rate for emails. He suggests sending out a short email with a catchy subject line that directs the reader back to the website. He also suggests focusing on creating a database of content, encouraging discussions on the site, and using the phrase to continue reading in emails.


0:00:00   Email Marketing: Does It Still Work?

0:03:23   The Benefits of Updating Your Email Workflow

0:04:54   The Benefits of Sending Short Emails

0:08:49   5 Tips for Writing Better Email Subject Lines

0:12:36   Email Marketing: How to Increase Your Click Through Rate

0:14:03   Email Marketing: How to Write Emails Your Audience Will Love


Use the to continue reading phrase in your emails that will click that will boost your clicks. You see, by using this method, you’re likely to see your click through rates greatly increase over time.

Step two is place your real efforts on creating a database of content. Here’s what I mean by that. Instead of having to write articles and posts in addition to your emails.

Then send your readers that super catchy email that lets them know if they want to continue reading. Well, here’s the link to do that, right? It’s like the episode I just shared with you not too long ago on how you can zygarnick your audience into submission.

By sending out a short email, a short catchy email that directs your subscriber back to your website, you, my friend, are increasing the odds of that email will land in their personal folder, and they’ll get to open it and they’ll get to read it.

Those long drawing on emails are a thing of the past. Write like when you write to a friend, right?. Are you usually sending them a thousand words?. I know a few of you who just said, yes, I do.

More Episodes To Help You With Your Email Marketing

17 Methods To Grow Your Email List

Methods To Build A Profitable Email List

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