Posted in: Podcast

EP 399 Idea To Make Money Online With Old Magazines


In this podcast, Tracy Brinkman discusses how to turn old magazines into valuable content that can be sold online in this unique side hustle idea. He explains that this can be a great way to make money while decluttering your home. He also offers tips on how to get started, including finding sources for cheap or free magazines, and choosing which ones to sell.

In this conversation, Tracy talks about how entrepreneurs can take old magazines and turn them into valuable content or even make money online with them with this unique side hustle. He explains that if you have a collection of magazines, it likely means you have a passion for something, and that these magazines can take up a lot of space.

Tracy discusses choosing the right magazines to turn into online content notes that it is important to carefully select magazines that will be most valuable to whatever audience is consuming the content. He advises to consider magazines that are still relevant today, and offer timeless tips in areas such as style, cooking, and DIY projects.

Tracy discusses that to be successful with this side hustle there is an importance in finding old magazines that are still relevant today. They suggest looking for magazines with unique and hard to find information, as well as those with well-written and informative content.


0:00:00 How to Turn Old Magazines Into Money Online

0:01:46 How to Turn Old Magazines Into Valuable Content and Money

0:03:30 How to Choose the Right Magazines to Turn Into Your Online Content

0:05:10 3 Tips for Finding Valuable Vintage Magazines

0:07:00 How to Choose the Right Magazines to Turn Into Online Content

0:08:43 How to Make Money With Magazines: A Step-By-Step Guide

0:14:19 How to Create Engaging Social Media Content from Articles

0:16:18 How to Make Money by Reading Old Magazines

0:17:53 The Dark Horse Entrepreneur: How to Make Money from Old Magazines


Tracy Brinkmann goes to the garage sales and buys up all the old magazines that he can find. Now, he says the older the better. And I would concur on this because obviously, the recent magazines, everyone’s probably already read them, right? So if you can go back and find old magazines, like I said, I got some from the 70s here.

Maybe you create a tutorial or how to video an article that contains the instruction tips on how to do something. Hey, you’re going to do this, then you’re going to do this, then you’re going to do that.

Do you want to learn how to make money with magazines? You’re like what?. And now here you are listening to it. And then now you give the introduction, the hook.

Content that you find valuable, that you think your readers will find valuable and relevant. And when you’re doing that here, I want to give you a couple of tips here.

So I want you to consider those four things as you try to choose the right magazines to turn into online content and ensure that content that you create brings value to your audience.

Posted in: Podcast

EP 396 5 Best Money Generating Niche Topics


The Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast helps entrepreneurs, coaches, and course creators who want to build a business online but are struggling with technology, procrastination, and imposter syndrome. In this episode, Tracy Brinkman discusses five money-generating niches that entrepreneurs can focus on to build a successful business.


Tracy Brinkmann shares that the topic of health is one of the best money generating topics out there. She explains that the health and fitness industry is growing rapidly and is worth billions of dollars. If you are passionate about the topic of health, you can carve out your own niche and make a lot of money.


Tracy discusses how to become a successful fitness content creator by narrowing down your niche and providing value to your audience. They also talk about the importance of money in the fitness industry, and how to make and save money as a content creator within the fitness arena.


Tracy discusses different ideas of possible blogging topics that could be profitable. The topics discussed were health, money, food, fitness and.. one other area of passion. It was noted that while not everybody is interested in every topic, there are ways to cater to different interests within each topic. For example, within the topic of food, one could blog about recipes, cooking classes, or the best places to eat in a certain city. It was also noted that food bloggers tend to make a higher median income than bloggers in other industries.



0:00:00   The Five Best Money Generating Niches for Content

0:02:21   The Best Money Making Topics in the Blogosphere

0:03:59   How to Make Money in the Fitness Industry

0:05:24   3 Profitable Blogging Niches to Start in 2021

0:08:47   How to Make Money in the Food and Travel Niches

0:10:21   How to Create a Travel Blog That Makes Money

0:12:10   How to Choose a Niche for Your Blog, Video, or Podcast

0:17:29   The Benefits of Leveraging Your Experience to Create Products

0:19:03   The Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast: Episode #1 – Why These Five Passions Will Work For You



You’ll find it far easier to sustain your blog, your video, your podcast, whatever medium you’re choosing to share your passion driven niche. You’ll find it far easier to get over the hurdles, to crack through the barriers, to dig under the walls that are going to be placed between you and your goal, which is probably earning some money with it, right?.


Heck, you could probably get the folks that come on to your videocast or your podcast or your blog to pay you via their marketing funds that they would use to pay for their advertising.


One of the ladies I’m trying to get on the podcast has five of them  (unique air BnBs) and they’re all ones like a spaceship. One is like shaped like a dog crazy.


Try creating a travel blog about the most unique airbnb’s that are out there. Think about that for a moment, just for a moment, would you? There are a number of very unique B and B’s out there.


There are some of them out there that are in the travel industry. So you could get your travel paid for, most likely, and enjoy the process at the same time.


A special thanks to ConspiracyMusicGuru.com for our new true solfeggio background music