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EP 390 How to Get Free Book Publicity With Dedication Contests

SUMMARY : The Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast is all about helping entrepreneurs who want to build a business online, but may be feeling overwhelmed by technology or unsure if they’re cut out for it. In each episode, business owners share tips and advice on everything from overcoming procrastination to thinking bigger. If you’re feeling stuck in your business journey, this podcast is definitely worth a listen!


The Dark Horse host, Tracy Brinkman, discusses how to get free publicity using dedication contests for books. She shares her experience in the coaching course creation online space and how entrepreneurs can use this method to build their business.


The conversation discusses the idea of running a dedication contest as a way to publicize a book. The prize for the contest would be a dedication in the book. The idea is that the contest would be a way to get people interested in the book and also to capture email addresses. The conversation also discusses the idea of using the contest as a way to build relationships.


Tracy discusses how to get part of your book written for you by running a contest. The winner of the contest would write a chapter in the book. This would collect email addresses which could be marketed to later. The speakers also mention how this could be done for an online course.



0:00:00   The Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast: A Novel Way to Get the Word Out

0:01:00   How to Get Free Publicity for Your Book Using Dedication Contests

0:02:36   Dedication Contests: A Great Way to Promote Your Book

0:07:09   How to Get Part of Your Book Written for You

0:08:41   How to Use Contests to Get Free Marketing for Your Book and Course



How to get some free publicity for your book with some contests, specifically a dedication contest, or maybe write your own chapter contest, and also how you can use it for your course creation as well.


That’s where I got the idea for this particular episode. Because think about it, there’s going to be a number of people out there going to go, oh, man, I didn’t win.


You get a great way to publicize your book even without seeming to be publicizing it. You’re not all smarmy marmy salesy about it. And it’s really, if you think about it, it’s kind of a backdoor method or way of getting the word out there.


So how about you run a contest on social media just as you would run any other contest and make the prize a dedication in your book?. I don’t think I’ve seen many people do.


You’re writing a book, and you’re ready to look for ways to get the word out. And I won’t use the novel approach pun again. But what you can do is you can run what’s called a dedication contest.