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EP 107 Jason Linett Change Your Words Change Your Business and Change Your Life

  • Jason Talks About How You Only Have A Few Seconds So STAND OUT! 
  • Jason reminds us to Enhance Relationships Then Present Value
  • Jason says that Explanations up front = education; Explanations afterward = excuses
  • Jason Shares That You Should Get yourself into state before trying to get your audience into one
  • Jason Reminds Us That Different is better than better

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Posted in: Podcast

EP 097 Sarah St. John Starting Running And Monetizing Your Business On A Budget

  • Sara the path she has taken like so many others going from working for other so working for herself trying multiple industries until she found what really resonated with her, teaching others how to start, run and monetize on a budget.
  • Sarahs shared a number of great tips and resources on how to get your business up off the ground and running for a minimal amount of month initially and keep it running on a very small budget.  
  • Sarah and I discuss some of the many ways to monetize – Affiliate marketing, course creation, coaching one-on-one or to a group.  Going from your first $1 online to creating an ongoing revenue stream.  
  • I repeat the importance of my mantra – Learn Do Teach – I have mentioned this one a few times here but it is that important to call out again.

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