Posted in: Podcast

EP 081 Tom Gaddis You Have To Be Producer To Be Successful

Tom shares why it is important to be a producer 1st ; why you have to show up and do the work EVERYDAY; discusses a minimum viable product’s importance; shares his MILK method to success and finally Tom asks…are you a good person and why that answer is important.

Tom Gaddis links

Milk Method Freebie



Posted in: Podcast

EP 057 Larry Normile Who Do You Have To Become To Be Successful

  • Larry shares how setting two goals changed the direction of his life
  • Larry reminds how we need to jump in and figure it out
  • Larry share the importance to self care and caring for those around you
  • Larry share how it is not about the money but that it is about the passion inside

Larry links







Posted in: Podcast

EP 011 Yasmin Vorajee Have Great Business Working 20hrs Or Less

  • Yasmine shares how she went from 12 years in the corporate arena right into what she called the entrepreneurial wilderness and finally how a coach help guide her through that wilderness
  • Yasmine asks the question: do you recognize what you do with ease?  She was lucky enough to have her coach shine the light on her core skill that she was able to use to bring value to her clients and the marketplace
  • Yasmin shares her four core principles of getting big results in tiny time.  This is the baseline for her being able to build a great business working only 20 hours a week.
  • Yasmin advises us on the one thing we all should focus on to build a solid foundation of value for our business.

Yasmin Voragee links

Her Book





Tiny Time Toolkit