Posted in: Podcast

EP 386 7 Questions to Ask Before Creating an Online Course


SUMMARY: Tracy Brinkman, host of the Dark Horse Entrepreneur Podcast, believes that creating an online course can be a great way for entrepreneurs to level up their businesses. However, she stresses that it is important to ask oneself some questions before embarking on this journey, such as whether one has the time and effort to commit to creating a course, and whether their business is ready for this level of marketing.


Before creating an online course, it is important to ask yourself seven questions in order to increase the chances of success. These questions include: who is your audience, what problem does your course solve, what are your goals for the course, what is your unique selling proposition, what is the format of your course, what is the delivery schedule, and how will you promote your course? By taking the time to answer these questions, you will be better prepared to create a course that meets the needs of your audience and achieves your goals.


Tracy asks the audience if they have found market demand for their potential online course topic. They explain that it is important to solve other people’s problems if they want to make money and that the best selling online courses meet a particular need. The speaker suggests that people do market research to determine if there is a demand for their potential course.


Tracy asks if it is a good idea to create an online course and if they have enough knowledge to do so. They say that you should only create a course if you have enough people interested in it and if you have enough knowledge about the topic to discuss it. They say that if you put out crap content, people are going to bail on you and your long term earning potential will take a nosedive.



0:00:00   Should You Create an Online Course?

0:02:33   7 Questions to Ask Before Creating an Online Course

0:04:13   The Benefits of Following Your Passion

0:07:00   How to Create an Online Course That People Will Love

0:08:48   The Benefits of Creating an Online Course

0:12:27   The Benefits of Creating an Online Course

0:13:23   The Different Types of Course Formats

0:15:02   How to Create an Online Course: 6 Questions to Ask Yourself

0:19:56   The Benefits of Hype-Building for Your Online Course Launch

0:21:22   7 Questions to Ask Before Creating an Online Course

0:22:44   The Dangers of Only Doing Things for the Money



And if you want to launch an online course, entrepreneurs solve problems. I’m going to say it again. And people are going to see right through you if you’re only doing things for the money.


And if you run a business, the money is of course an important aspect. I’m mr capitalism here, right? I know. I have no problem paying somebody for their services.


Keep an eye out for it and use all those platforms to collect the information that you need as part of building up that hype. And what I mean by that is, hey, I thought I got me to do this course.


It’s a great idea to do this, and you can do this via several methods as part of your launch of your online course. Social media is a great one.


Most creators like myself are creating video modules which you can put in any number of the different platforms out there. The skillshares, the Udemys, the Think Ethics, the list goes on and on.

Posted in: Podcast

EP 157 Paul Beam Creating A Camp For The Man Looking For Fulfillment

  • Lack of Integrity and Identity – Paul mentioned that early in life didn’t know who he was, how to be a man, treat a spouse, run his life and finances etc.  As a result of this lack of integrity and identity has made choices that were not the best for himself or his then family.  Do you know who you are?
  • Found A Gap & Gathered His Tribe Into An EventPaul after finishing his education, pulled his core audience together into an event.  He pulled them together to learn from them, but also felt that he had value to offer.  
  • We Are Creatures That EvolveBe it in your wisdom, your beliefs, your knowledge, your faith or in so many other areas of life.  We grow, we evolve and we refine who we are vs. who we were yesterday or yester-year or yester-decade. 
  • Establish Trust – Paul is tackling a very specific audience, in this case men.  He knows that in order for them to come to his events and really get the most out of it, they will have to open up and communicate. 

Show Notes