Posted in: Podcast

EP 075 Jake Anderson Building Human Connections Will Grow Your Engagement and Business

  • Jake reminds us that vanity metrics don’t always equal great coach
  • Jake admit that he was not happy with his choices and why
  • Jake shares thoughts on looking for a paradise you are already living in
  • Jake share the importance of building those human connections

Jake Anderson links
Facebook Group

Posted in: Podcast

EP 069 Angela Giles The 3 Cs of Business Connection Collaboration And Client

  • Angela talks about finding your motivator, that thing that moves you forward or whoops you upside the head to get your butt and moving
  • Angela asks “Did you put in the time and the work” in order to get the results  you had hoped to get from yourself, your business or that program you invested in.
  • Angela asks a powerful question: “Do you want to be an expert or a pioneer?”
  • Angela chat about tech, physical and digital and asks what is next
  • Angela shares the three Cs of business and why they are so very important.

Angela Giles links

Website & Resources
