Learn why traditional personal branding advice is killing your profit potential. Discover the contrarian approach to building an authentic, profitable personal brand while juggling family life. Features the ’15-Minute Content Sprint’ strategy, the Legacy Content Framework, and real-world examples of parent entrepreneurs generating 4X more income through authentic branding.
Browse Episodes
Stay Small, Succeed Big: Why Most Entrepreneurs Are Building Prisons Instead of Profits
Discover why staying small might be your biggest competitive advantage. Learn how one agency owner built a highly profitable, systematized business by rejecting the “grow or die” mentality. Features practical strategies for increasing profit without increasing headcount, creating sellable systems, and building real business value.
The Hidden Costs of Ignoring Your Side Hustle Dreams: A Parent Entrepreneur’s Wake-Up Call
Uncover the four hidden costs of delaying your entrepreneurial dreams, including emotional toll, missed opportunities, family impact, and personal growth stagnation. Learn practical strategies for parent entrepreneurs to start their side hustle without sacrificing family time. Featuring the P.A.C.E. Method and the game-changing ‘Non-Negotiable Fifteen’ strategy.
Latest News
What Is Storytelling In Content Marketing And Why Does It Matter?
Over the years, I’ve discovered that storytelling in content marketing is like the secret sauce that turns bland dishes into […]
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Once upon a time in the land of advertising, I discovered that crafting a compelling narrative can change the game […]
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There’s nothing quite like a story to captivate an audience, and when it comes to crafting compelling content, understanding the […]
Read moreAbout Tracy Brinkmann
e Hustles & Digital Marketing Strategies podcast
e Hustles & Digital Marketing Strategies podcast
From hitting the rock bottom of drugs, divorce, bankruptcy and even the death of an 18 month old daughter. To running the planning & marketing departments of some of corporate America’s finest companies to his own company helping driven entrepreneurs, scale their businesses, by crystalizing and monetizing their passions, and now hosting his podcast focused on Driven Dark Horse Entrepreneurs.
Tracy Brinkmann, is a business coach, success coach & product creator that realizes life isn’t fair and participation awards do not feed your family (or your drive to succeed)… This Driven Dark Horse Entrepreneur is looking to share all that he has learned and is still learning about starting, restarting, kick starting and stepping up your entrepreneurial game all while not ignoring that amazing tool between your ears!