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Entrepreneur Coaching

Is coaching right for you? Consider if:

Yes to any or all of the above? Keep reading!

Entrepreneur Coaching

Entrepreneur Coaching is meant for the person who is committed to creating a thriving, successful business. We focus on where your business is currently; evaluate what’s working and what’s not; determine goals; and create an action plan. The partnership tends to be a coaching/consulting hybrid, meaning that I use a coach approach to helping you build your business, while incorporating my experiences and resources when they are in service to your goals. My clients tend to be service-based businesses, and often focus on the educational, creative or personal growth fields.

I offer coaching via Skype or phone for clients located anywhere in the world, as well as in-person sessions for residents of the Puget Sound region at my downtown Tacoma, WA, office.

Introvert entrepreneurs who work with me find a spacious, positive place to create and implement their ideal business model, working from the inside out. I offer traditional coaching packages, as well as Insight Strategy Sessions that are designed to be equal parts consultation and coaching.

The Introvert Entrepreneur Coaching Model

The Introvert Entrepreneur Coaching Model is based on a four-layer implementation process, each one building on the next. Always at the core is Clarity, Energy and Motivation. We will revisit those core elements as needed throughout the process.

The model supports your development of a strategic and effective plan, while also exploring your relationship and commitment to the plan. That means that we emphasize what it’s important to DO as an entrepreneur, as well as what it means to BE an entrepreneur.

We begin on the Inside…

… and then move Out

Purpose – Why does this business exist, and why are you the one to lead it?

Ideal Clients – Where do your gifts intersect with the world’s needs?

Offerings/Services – What solutions are you offering your ideal clients?

Marketing & Community Building – How do people interact with you, learn about you and your offerings, and engage with other community members?

Goals & Financial Strategy – How do you generate resources to support you and your vision?

Evaluation – What accountability and measurements have you established? How do you know you’re on the right track?

We put confidence, trust and living your values on equal footing with business development, making them all significant contributors to your bottom line.

Since most resources are provided by and for extroverts, we take a different approach that helps you be authentically successful, introvert style!


Curious? More details can be found in the Coaching FAQ. If you are sincerely interested in the possibility of adding a coaching relationship to your support network, I offer a complimentary 30-minute informational session. A limited number of time slots are available most weeks.

The Information Session will acquaint you with the process and benefits of coaching, plus give you an opportunity to ask questions. Once you’ve made your appointment, I’ll send you a few guiding questions that will allow me to get to know you, and allow you to get a feel for what a coaching conversation is like. It’s not a 30-minute sales pitch; it’s about trying coaching on for size and each of us deciding if there’s a good fit between us.

If you’re ready to inject new energy, purpose and focus into your business, let’s talk!

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Think Successfully & Take Action!
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